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To show B(Billion) instead of G(Giga) in altair charts python

Looking to replace G(Giga) with B(Billion) in a python code using altair charts. I researched quite a lot on this but cannot find a way to override d3 format in python. Currently using the below code for the axis format:

     x=alt.X('Date:T', axis=alt.Axis(title=None, grid=False, format= '%b-%Y')),
     y = alt.Y(
         'Current Year:Q',
         axis= alt.Axis(
    color = alt.value(COLORS_HEX['SMOKEY_BLUE'])

however, this produces the axis and tool tip with SI notification which shows 10^9 as G and not B(billion). Lot of topics on this related subject shows to achieve this in javascript by overriding the d3 format function but how do I override this function by calling it in python notebook. Would be very helpful to get some pointers on this topic.

Thank you.

I don't know of any way to create custom d3 formatters from Python within the standard Altair display mechanisms. You can always export your chart to JSON and then use vega-embed to manually display your chart with whatever Javascript extras you wish.

From the Python side, one way to accomplish roughly what you want is to use labelExpr to define a custom label expression. For example:

import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': [1E9, 2E9, 3E9]})
    alt.X('x', axis=alt.Axis(tickCount=5, labelExpr='datum.value / 1E9 + "B"'))


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