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Scanning Assemblies with DryIoc

I'm trying to use the DryIoc Mef library to scan all assemblies with the Export Attribute

I see this link about Mef with DryIoc

I changed the method to RegisterExports, but the IGreeter property is not being injected. If I register each one by itself it works (Foo/Greeter).

using DryIoc;
using DryIoc.MefAttributedModel;
using System;
using DryIocAttributes;

namespace ConsoleApp3
class Program
    public static IContainer C;
    static void Main(string[] args)
         Program.C = new Container().With(rules => rules.With( propertiesAndFields: PropertiesAndFields.Auto)).WithMefAttributedModel();

        Program.C.RegisterExports(new Assembly[] { typeof(Foo).GetAssembly() });
        var foo = new Foo();

public interface IGreeter
    string ShowGreet();

public class Greeter : IGreeter
    public Greeter() { }
    public string ShowGreet()
        return "Hello World";

public class Foo
    public IGreeter greet { get; set; }

    public void Message()
        Console.WriteLine($"Show {greet.ShowGreet()}");


Interface IGreeter needed attribute

public interface IGreeter
    string ShowGreet();

The answer is the change to the ExportEx(typeof(IGreeter)) or to ExportMany . The latter will discover the implemented interfaces and will export those. Also pay attention to the types visibility - ExportMany does not export non-public types by default, but it can be changed with attribute properties.

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