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Custom Registration Page for Cognito User Pool

I have a Cognito User Pool and need to prompt users select their country from a dropdown list during registration. As far as I can tell, Cognito doesn't provide the ability to customize the registration page with a dropdown. Is there a way to redirect the "Sign Up" link in the Cognito sign-in page to point to a specific URL so I can provide my own registration page (and use the Cognito APIs to create the user)?

Or, if someone knows of a different way to solve this problem, I'm all ears.

My OIDC clients are websites (ie, not a mobile apps) and I'm using the authorization code flow.

You can create your own registration page and use AWS cognito SDK or amplify to make calls to cognito. For example, if you are using javascript you can use the following code for your signup calls: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/CognitoIdentityServiceProvider.html#signUp-property

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