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How can I use mongoose to delete something in an array using an API?

I'm building a todo app and in the database have an employee document containing 2 arrays (todo & done). The tasks are stored here, and I currently can add tasks to the arrays, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get my API work to delete them.

Here's what my employee doc looks like


Currently I receive errors when trying to test using SoapUI, many similar to this "TypeError: Cannot read property 'findByIdAndDelete' of undefined" or Cannot DELETE /api/employees/1007/6184645df6bbd93340c0e390

Here's my delete API

 * Delete task
router.delete("/:empId/tasks/:id", async (req, res) => {
  try {
      { _id: req.params.id },
      function (err, employee) {
        if (err) {
            message: "Internal server error: " + err.message,
        } else {

            "Task with the id of" +
              req.params.id +
              " has been deleted successfully"
  } catch (e) {
      message: "Internal server error: " + e.message,

Currently, I can get messages to the console saying it's been deleted but it hasn't actually deleted in the database

Welcome to stackoverflow! You should use updateOne with $pull. Try:

  empId: req.params.empId
}, {
  $pull: {
    todo: {
      _id: req.params.id

Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/27917378/9459826

MongoDB docs:https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/update/pull/

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