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How to scale icon width by height in Jetpack Compose

I am trying to scale icon width by height. I was trying to add contentScale modifier, but it doesn't know it.

           painter = painterResource(id = id),
           contentDescription = null,
           tint = Color.White,
           //contentScale = ContentScale.Fit,
           modifier = Modifier .fillMaxHeight(0.6f)
                               .align(CenterVertically).border(2.dp,Color.Black, RectangleShape)

Picture how it looks - The icon on the left should be scaled to fit height of the black box: 左侧的图标应缩放以适合黑框的高度

Ensuring your icon is a square should be sufficient.

    .aspectRatio(1f) // make the width same as the height
    ... // your other modifiers

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