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To split the output(s) of a script into two fields and insert that output from a specific row in a csv file

I am trying to split the output of the following code into two fields and insert it from the 3rd row of a csv file

cid=`git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H"`
git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r $cid | xargs -I {} echo '\'{} | xargs -I {} md5sum > final.csv

Current Output comes as a single line ( need to be separated into fields)

l34sdg232f00b434532196298ecf8427e /path/to/file              
sg35s3456f00b204e98324998ecsdf3af /path/to/file                 

Expected Output




I am thinking of placing the output of the script in a third file and then reading that file line by line using awk. Not sure if that's the correct way to proceed. Thanks in advance.

You seem to be overcomplicating things.

cid=$(git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H")
git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "$cid" |
xargs md5sum |
sed 's/  /,/' > final.csv

This simply replaces the two spaces in the md5sum output with a comma.

Because nothing here is Bash-specific, I changed the shebang to #!/bin/sh ; obviously, still feel free to use Bash if you prefer.

I also switched from the obsolescent `backtick` syntax to modern $(command substitution) syntax.

If you absolutely require the CSV header on top, adding that in the sed script should be trivial. Generally, header lines are more of a nuisance than actually useful, so maybe don't.

This kind of does what you're asking:

cid=$(git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%H")
git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r "$cid" | while read -r path
        md5sum "${path}"
done | awk 'BEGIN{printf "%s,%s\n", "title", "path";printf "\n"}{printf "%s,%s\n",$1,$2}' > final.csv

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