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the argument type 'map dynamic dynamic ' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'map string dynamic'

I am using dio on my ApiRepository class. But there is an error showing on this line

 _dio.get(this.url, queryParameters: this.payload).then((response) {...

the argument type 'map dynamic dynamic ' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'map string dynamic'

Full Class

class ApiRepository {

  final String url;
  final Map payload;

  ApiRepository(this.url, this.payload);

  final Dio _dio = Dio();

  void get({

    required Function() beforeSend,

    required Function(dynamic data) onSuccess,

    required Function(dynamic error) onError,

  }) {
 _dio.get(this.url, queryParameters: this.payload).then((response) {
 if (onSuccess != null) {



    }).catchError((error) {

      if (onError != null) {



queryParameters requires Map<String, dynamic> but default Map is Map<dynamic, dynamic> .

Change payload map to
final Map<String, dynamic> payload;

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