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Why onlick function return this?

let classMessage = document.createElement('class');
classMessage.id = tabMsg[0];
classMessage.innerHTML += '<button onclick="del(' + tabMsg[0] + ')">Try it</button>'

function del(parsedata) {

tabMsg is a parsed line (with split).

i dont understand why when i click on the button the output on the console is :

<class id="vuwzbip6dr"><button onclick="del(vuwzbip6dr)">Try it</button><p>gfdgf gdfgf</p></class>

why he dont put the id vuwzbip6dr !!! ?

Encapsulating strings with strings within strings generally causes more problems than it solves and therefore should be avoided.

In your case that means this statement:

'<button onclick="del(' + tabMsg[0] + ')">Try it</button>' is causing the issue for you.

That line is interpreted as:

<button onclick="del(v)">Try it</button>

Where v becomes an identifier pointing to the this , or the currentTarget element and not a string like this: "dev('v')".

Looking at the documentation one sees the onclick handler is provided the currentTarget as the first argument to the callback - hence the assignment I mention.

To fix this you should rely on the tools JavaScript provides - namely, it gives you the currentTarget (target element of the click), so all you have to do is use that and ask for it's parent element's id attribute:

classMessage.innerHTML += '<button onclick=del(this)>Try it</button>'

function del(target) {

But that isn't recommended either. You should always try to avoid using in-line event handlers. I'll leave that to a different question for you.

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