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How to install a LDAP schema with python-ldap?

I have a LDAP schema in a .ldif file that I would like to use python-ldap to install the schema on my LDAP server. My context is the installation process of a python application that needs some custom LDAP schemas.

There is a bit of documentation about ldif and schemas in python-ldap, but I do not know where to start.

How can I install a schema with python-ldap?

import ldap.modlist
import ldif

with open("myschema.ldif") as fd:
    parser = ldif.LDIFRecordList(fd)

for dn, entry in parser.all_records:
    add_modlist = ldap.modlist.addModlist(entry)
    conn.add_s(dn, add_modlist)  # where 'conn' is a LDAP connection

The short answer is what @azmeuk has written before.

The long answer is: it depends on the format of your LDIF file. If it contains modify statements then you cannot easily parse the file with python-ldap.

Please check my question at Process LDIF modify records with python-ldap to see what I'm talking about.

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