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Is there any way to return the classname of the drop target using react-dnd?

Let's say I have this component, which represents a drop target.

import { useDrop } from 'react-dnd';
import './css/DraggableGameSlot.css';

type DraggableGameSlotProps = {
    className: string,
    text: string

function DraggableGameSlot(props: DraggableGameSlotProps) {        
    const [{isOver}, drop] = useDrop(() => ({
        accept: "image",
        collect: (monitor) => ({
            isOver: !!monitor.isOver(),
    return (
        <div className={`draggable-game-slot ${props.className}`} ref={drop}>
            <span>Drop here</span>

export default DraggableGameSlot;

When there is an item dropped on the div, I want to get the className of the div (console.log would be fine, I will implement the logic I want myself)

How should I modify the code to get this functionality?

According to the react-dnd useDrop documentation the useDrop hook returns

Return Value Array

  • [0] - Collected Props : An object containing collected properties from the collect function. If no collectfunction is defined, an empty object is returned.
  • [1] - DropTarget Ref : A connector function for the drop target. This must be attached to the drop-target portion of the DOM.

So, having the DropTarget Ref you should be able to do something like drop.current.classList to get the classes of the drop target html element.

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