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How to use strongly typed id in in EF?

I have primitive obsession class EmailAddress that has overridden ToString() :

public class EmailAddress
   private string _value;

   public EmailAddress(string value)
        _value = value;

   public override string ToString()
        return _value;

My domain model Customer looks like:

public class Customer
   public EmailAddress EmailAddress { get; set; }
   public string FullName{ get; set; } 

And I have configured conversion for EmailAddress in FluentApi:

modelBuilder.Entity<Customer>().Property(x => x.EmailAddress)
                x => x.ToString(),
                x => new EmailAddress(x));

Also I have generic repository pattern, and when I want to filter data:

public List<Customer> GetCustomers(GetCustomersQuery queryParameters)

  IQueryable<Customer> queryCustomers = _customerContext.GetAll();

  return queryCustomers.Where(x =>

I have got an error:

The LINQ expression DbSet<Customer>().Where(t => t.EmailAddress.ToString() could not be translated. Additional information: Translation of method object.ToString failed.

I've tried EF 6.4 Do you have any workaround?

For really motivated, who doesn't afraid of complicated domain, I have found solution

public class EmailAddress
   private string _value;

   public static explicit operator string(EmailAddress emailAddress) => emailAddress._value;

   public EmailAddress(string value)
        _value = value;

   public override string ToString()
        return _value;

and query is

queryCustomers.Where(x =>

this query is executing on server side.

You can try like below:

  return queryCustomers.Where(x =>

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