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Rust diesel Postgres how to add pagination to query

I am using the diesel to connect and fetch data from the Postgres database. I want to use pagination to fetch a large number of records from my database into a few records at a time. Let's say I have 1000 records of data, I need to fetch 20 data at a time with a total number of records. Below is my table and I have used the inner join to fetch data.

#Emplyee table

| employee-id  | employee_name | empolyee_email|       
| -----------  | --------------|-------------  |
| 1            | ABC           |abc@mail.com   |
| 2            | xyz           |xyz@mail.com   |

# Account table

| account  | employee-id    | account-balnce | created_at|
| -------- | ----------     |--------------- |-----------|
| 1        | 1              |   2000         | 22/10/2021|
| 2        | 2              |   5000         | 01/09/2021|

Query which I used to fetch data.

let employee_account = employee::table

I explored the Diesel doc and find the limit ( doc ) and offset ( doc ) functions look promising for implementing pagination. Please try to add these two functions before the load function like below. Initialize page_size with 20 and offset with 0. Loop until no data returns. Increase the offset by the page size for next load.

let page_size = 20;
let mut offset = 0;

let employee_account = employee::table

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