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Query data in one collection based on ObjectId in another collection in MongoDB Ionic React

I try to show one collection field based on the ObjectId that's related to another collection in MongoDB. I have 3 collections:


    "_id" : "115ds1f4sd55fe1e51fds5f4",
    "name" : "Sam",
    "age" : 25


    "_id" : "654564dsf65g4d1e51fds5f4",
    "userId" : ObjectId ("115ds1f4sd55fe1e51fds5f4"),
    "country" : "New Zealand"

    "_id" : "8247dddsf65g4d1e51fds5f4",
    "userId" : ObjectId ("115ds1f4sd55fe1e51fds5f4"),
    "country" : "Australia"


    "_id" : "6184s68f4se65f4se6d545ee",
    "CountryId" : ObjectId("654564dsf65g4d1e51fds5f4"),
    "userId" : ObjectId ("115ds1f4sd55fe1e51fds5f4"),
    "address" : "12345 Main Street",
    "city" : "Auckaland"

    "_id" : "6184s68f4se65f4se6d545ee",
    "CountryId" : ObjectId("654564dsf65g4d1e51fds5f4"),
    "userId" : ObjectId ("115ds1f4sd55fe1e51fds5f4"),
    "address" : "12345 Main Street",
    "city" : "Wellington"

    "_id" : "6184s68f4se65f4se6d545ee",
    "CountryId" : ObjectId("8247dddsf65g4d1e51fds5f4"),
    "userId" : ObjectId ("115ds1f4sd55fe1e51fds5f4"),
    "address" : "12345 Main Street",
    "city" : "Sydney"

Now on the app that I practice on, I use Swiper Slider Module to display the Country this user lived, now I want to show all the Addresses this user has under the carousel depending on which country is displayed in the Swiper slider.

For example: If the slider is in Australia, the IonCard only show 1 address in Sydney. If the slider is in New Zealand, the IonCard shows 2 addresses of Auckland & Wellington.

If anyone has any idea that will be awesome!

I have a feeling you are looking for more than this, can you provide additional information if that is true

db.collection.find( { CountryId: { $eq: ObjectId("654564dsf65g4d1e51fds5f4") } } )


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