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Wi-Fi is connected but the Internet is not working

Detailed Description

I can't really say what caused such behavior, I didn't download any network-related software. The only thing I can recall doing before getting this problem, is using pacman -Syu . I'm also no power-user at all when it comes to "in-depth Linux stuff" (If that even matters).

Current Behavior

I connect to Wi-Fi networks, but when I open, let's say, Firefox, the Internet is not being used at all. Same goes for any internet-required stuff. The Internet is gone. Writing this Issue from Windows (dual-boot). Wired Internet from a phone's USB doesn't seem to work too.

My Specs


At first check your route table - have you default route or not (route -n && tracepath Second - check available dns servers (nslookup ya.ru). If you will capture any problems - check your wifi adpater configuration - probably ip adressess and other parameters setts up by hand (not by dhcp server).

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