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Have NUNIT run tests in parallel

I have a DBContext within my tests for EF Core

Each test is responsible for setting up this context

How can I get NUnit to be able to run my tests in parallel with each test having its own dbContext where the dbcontext is a field of the class

It appears as though each run is reusing the fields in the test class, I want a brand new instance created for each test?

Following the answer below I added FixtureLifeCycleAttribute.InstancePerTest to the top of my test class

    protected virtual DbContext GetDbContext()

        if (_dbContext == null)
            var testName = TestContext.CurrentContext.Test.MethodName + "_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            Debug.WriteLine($"Creating context for {testName}");

            // Create a fresh service provider, and therefore a fresh 
            // InMemory database instance.
            var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()

            // Create a new options instance telling the context to use an
            // InMemory database and the new service provider.
            var builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<MyDbContext>();

            var options = builder.Options;
            var result = new MyDbContext(options);

            if (ShareContext == false)
                return result;

            _dbContext = result;

        return _dbContext;

I use this

protected MyDbContext DbContext => (MyDbContext)GetDbContext();

So in my tests I add to DbContext.MyTable

If I have 2 separate tests that add the same record to DbContext.MyTable I would not expect this to fail but it does


In version 3.13, Nunit has added a support for instance per test case by simply choosing LifeCycle.InstancePerTestCase value when placing the FixtureLifeCycleAttribute on top of the test class. See docs here https://docs.nunit.org/articles/nunit/writing-tests/attributes/fixturelifecycle.html

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