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Google drive sheets importrange

I am looking for a way to import the data from one google drive sheet to another using ImportRange formula. However, I want the data to be synced once per day at a certain time instead of automatically updating as the formulas seems to do. Any help would really be appreciated

Formula used:

={IMPORTRANGE(B2,"sheet1!$A$1");IMPORTRANGE(B3,"sheet1!$A$1");IMPORTRANGE(B4,"sheet1!$A$1"); IMPORTRANGE(B5,"sheet1!$A$1");

You can create a Script (Google Apps Script) that copies the data automatically with Time-driven Triggers ( https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/triggers ).

function CopyData() {
  // Gets data
  var data = SpreadsheetApp.openById("ID1").getSheetByName("SheetName").getRange("A1:B2").getValues();

  // Copies data

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