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How to use AWS CLI in PowerShell to update values in DynamoDB containing a whitespace?

I've been fiddling for a while with updating records in DynamoDB using the AWS CLI from PowerShell. I can't seem to update a value that contains a whitespace. See below command where 2021-11-17 14:48:41 contains the whitespace. I've tried a lot of different quote and escape combinations, but haven't been successful. Any help would be appreciated.

This is from a Windows 2016 server running AWS CLI 1.18.216. In bash or PowerShell Core on MacOS I don't experience this issue.


aws dynamodb update-item `
    --table-name $TableName `
    --key $KeyStackJson `
    --update-expression 'SET #H = :h,#D = :d,#E = :e' `
    --expression-attribute-names $AttributeNameJson `
    --expression-attribute-values '{\":h\":{\"S\":\"0.0.189-alpha\"},\":d\":{\"S\":\"test\"},\":e\":{\"S\":\"2021-11-17 14:48:41\"}}'


Unknown options: 14:48:41"}}

To escape double quotes in powershell use following `". Example:


produces following string for DynamoDB


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