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Why can firebase-admin not be run in the browser?

Several questions have asked to run the firebase-admin package in the browser, such as

However, both the questions and the answers given do not properly distinguish between the "browser vs. server/backend" distinction and the "end-user vs. privileged" distinction. A common theme seems to be warning against opening up firebase-admin for end-users, which is obviously a security risk, but they do not explain why a privileged user cannot access privileged Firebase functionality from code running in the browser, only from a backend / server.

So, assuming that a user has sufficient privileges (say, firebase project owner) and is willing to perform whatever authentication needed to transfer these privileges to code running in the browser -- what reasons are there for not doing this? Will it not work? Are there security risks? Is it simply discouraged because a significant fraction of developers will make mistakes WRT the exact requirements for making this work securely?

I think you have a misunderstanding about what a "privileged user" is, as you say.

firebase-admin is initialized with a service account . This is not the same as an Firebase Auth user account. Service accounts are entities belonging to a cloud project that are granted privileged access to some resources in that project. This is how fireabse-admin operates - you init with a service account and gain that privileged access. firebase-admin does not init with a user account.

You never want to expose a service account credentials to a web browser. That's a huge security risk. Since firebase-admin requires a service account, you will never want to use firebase-admin in the browser where it will be seen as public information.

The whole point of the documentation on the matter is to get you to write code to send Firebase Auth user tokens to your backend, where you can safely validate them and decide if that end user should be able to perform privileged operations using firebase-admin. There is really no safe workaround to this scheme - this is the pattern you should follow.

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