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Min and max of deviations from mean in Matlab

Intro: I need to find the greatest/smallest possible deviations from the average in some given Matlab vectors. The issue is that, due to the large dimensions of the arrays involved, I cannot explicitly construct such vectors. Therefore, I wonder whether there is a smarter way to proceed. I summarise below the procedure that I would implement if there were no memory constraints and then present my question.

(1) Consider 28 matrices in Matlab A{1},..., A{28} . For each j=1,...,28 , A{j} has 4 columns. The number of rows of A{j} can be different across j=1,..., 28 and is stored in the vector r .

rng default
r=randi(28,10000,1)+10000; %28x1
for j=1:28
A{j}=randn(r(j),4); %r(j)x4

(2) For each j=1,...,28 , let b{j} be the r(j) x 1 vector that is obtained by summing the first two rows of A{j} and subtracting the last two rows of A{j} :

for j=1:28
    b{j}=  A{j}(:,1)+A{j}(:,2)-A{j}(:,3)-A{j}(:,4); %r(j)x1

(3) Let B be the R x 28 matrix that is obtained as a 28-D grid from the vectors b{1},...,b{28} :

[ca, cb, cc, cd, ce, ...] = ndgrid(b{1}, b{2}, b{3}  , ..., b{28});

Apologies for the incomplete code. As you can imagine, this is the step where I have issues as explained below.

(4) For each row of B , I compute the difference between such row and its mean value and store the results in a R x 28 matrix D :

for t=1:R

(5) For each j=1,...,28 , I compute the min and max value of D(:,j) and store it in a matrix F

for j=1:28

Question: F is the matrix that I would like to construct. However, step (3) is unfeasible due to the large r(1),..., r(28) . Even a loop would take forever. Hence, I'm asking: is there a smarter way to construct F that saves me from explicitly obtaining B ?

Here is a fast solution (without using ndgrid ):

F = zeros(2,28);
mx = cellfun(@max,b)
mn = cellfun(@min,b)
for k = 1: 28
    F(1,k) = min(b{k}-(b{k}+sum(mx)-mx(k))/28);
    F(2,k) = max(b{k}-(b{k}+sum(mn)-mn(k))/28);

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