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Python programming output is not as expected

I tried to automate the login for github api from "https://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/" I am getting error code 401 in response. Kindly guide me if my code is not good. Please find the code below. NOTE: Configuration.py, properties.ini, credentials.py are under Utilities package.


import requests
import configparser
from Utilities.Credentials import *
from Utilities.configuration import *

url_login = get_Config() ['API'] ['endpoint']

github_Res = requests.get(url_login, auth= (getUsername() , getPassword()), )


Status_Code = github_Res.status_code


if Status_Code == 200:
    print("User logged in Successfully.")
    print("User log in failed!!")


import configparser

def get_Config():
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    return config


def getUsername():
    return "***********@****.com"

def getPassword():
    return "********"


endpoint = https://api.github.com/user

It seems to me that you have two problems here:

  1. You're trying to make a GET request when authentication usually requires a POST request.
  2. You're sending the login credentials in the authentication header, not as form data.

Try doing it like this:

data = {"username": getUsername(), "password": getPassword()}
github_Res = requests.post(url_login, data = data)

Note that you'll probably still have issues because you haven't included the grant type or scope in your request.


I looked up GitHub'sAPI documentation and it appears that it doesn't support username-password authentication anymore. You should probably rethink your solution to use a username and personal access token.

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