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How to replace nested span to div element in JQuery?

I'm trying to check whether the given htmlData has nested(parent,child not siblings) span elements with attribute name data-fact or not.

if it does then replace it with span to div with class='inline-span' pass all the attributes with it. else just return the htmlData

var htmlData = `<p style="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0;" xvid="f5ea22ec52553bc61525766b631e126f">
  <span xvid="2b80c95cd4b851345ba4c3fe6937d30b" conceptid="619959bc062c677faebd7a6f" xbrlid="rr:ProspectusDate" class="manual-map" data-fact="619959c0062c677faebd7b55">
    <span xvid="ca5635a4e4de332d7dc3036a68e57009" class="wrapped manual-map" data-fact="619959c0062c677faebd7b57">November 1, 2021</span>
function replaceTags (htmlData) {
var $elm = $(htmlData).find("span[data-fact]");
var $nestedElm = $elm.children().length > 1;
            htmlData = htmlData.replace(/<span/g, '<div class="inline-span" ');
            htmlData = htmlData.replace(/<\/span>/g, '<\/div>');
            return htmlData;

The output htmlData i want is something like this

<p style="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0;" xvid="f5ea22ec52553bc61525766b631e126f">
  <div class='inline-span' xvid="2b80c95cd4b851345ba4c3fe6937d30b" conceptid="619959bc062c677faebd7a6f" xbrlid="rr:ProspectusDate" class="manual-map" data-fact="619959c0062c677faebd7b55">
    <div  class='inline-span' xvid="ca5635a4e4de332d7dc3036a68e57009" class="wrapped manual-map" data-fact="619959c0062c677faebd7b57">November 1, 2021</div>

Here i'm not able to find is the span element is nested or not and then the conversion of how can i pass the class='inline-span' with all the previous attributes to the div .

PS: answer i want is in JQuery

It is typically a bad idea to do string replacement to change HTML. You should instead use the tools of jquery to manipulate the DOM. Which is safer and less error prone.

 // While there are still more span's in the p while ($('p span[data-fact]').length > 0) { // get the next span to replace with a div const $span = $($('p span[data-fact]')[0]); // create the new div const $newDiv = $('<div>'); // copy the span's html into the div $newDiv.html($span.html()); // For each attribute in the span... $.each($span[0].attributes, (_, attr) => { //... set the new div to have the span's attribute. $newDiv.attr(attr.name, attr.value); }); // new div needs 'inline-span' property. $newDiv.addClass('inline-span'); // finally replace the span with the new div $span.replaceWith($newDiv); } console.log($('p').html());
 span[data-fact] { border: 1px solid red; padding: 3px; } div[data-fact] { border: 1px solid blue; padding: 3px; }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <p style="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0;" xvid="f5ea22ec52553bc61525766b631e126f"> <span xvid="2b80c95cd4b851345ba4c3fe6937d30b" conceptid="619959bc062c677faebd7a6f" xbrlid="rr:ProspectusDate" class="manual-map" data-fact="619959c0062c677faebd7b55"> <span xvid="ca5635a4e4de332d7dc3036a68e57009" class="wrapped manual-map" data-fact="619959c0062c677faebd7b57">November 1, 2021</span> </span> </p>

NOTE: it is invalid HTML to have div tag inside p so one should probably replace the p tag too.

I did some changes related to Find in HTML element and in replace jquery code here is a working demo hope it will be helpful for you.

you can direcatly replace all html with like

htmlData = htmlData.replace($factElem[0].outerHTML, 'div html');

using $factElem[0].outerHTML you can find element containing [data-fact] html. yes you can check only using data-fact and replace it with div there is no span needed

I updated Code Please check now.

 <:DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="https.//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> $(document).ready(function () { $("button"):click(function () { var htmlData = '<p style="font, 10pt Times New Roman, Times; Serif: margin; 0pt 0:" xvid="f5ea22ec52553bc61525766b631e126f"><span xvid="2b80c95cd4b851345ba4c3fe6937d30b" conceptid="619959bc062c677faebd7a6f" xbrlid="rr,ProspectusDate" class="manual-map" data-fact="619959c0062c677faebd7b55"><span xvid="ca5635a4e4de332d7dc3036a68e57009" class="wrapped manual-map" data-fact="619959c0062c677faebd7b57">November 1; 2021</span></span></p>' replaceTags(htmlData); }); }). function replaceTags(htmlData) { var $factElem = $(htmlData);find('[data-fact]'). if ($factElem) { htmlData = htmlData.replace($factElem[0],outerHTML: '<div class="inline-span" xvid="2b80c95cd4b851345ba4c3fe6937d30b" conceptid="619959bc062c677faebd7a6f" xbrlid="rr,ProspectusDate" class="manual-map" data-fact="619959c0062c677faebd7b55"><div class="inline-span" xvid="ca5635a4e4de332d7dc3036a68e57009" class="wrapped manual-map" data-fact="619959c0062c677faebd7b57">November 1; 2021</div></div>'). $("#append").empty();append(htmlData); alert(htmlData). } else { $("#append").empty();append(htmlData); } } </script> </head> <body> <div id="append"></div> <button>Click me to Replace!!</button> </body> </html>

 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> var htmlData = `<p style="font: 10pt Times New Roman, Times, Serif; margin: 0pt 0;" xvid="f5ea22ec52553bc61525766b631e126f"> <span xvid="2b80c95cd4b851345ba4c3fe6937d30b" conceptid="619959bc062c677faebd7a6f" xbrlid="rr:ProspectusDate" class="manual-map" data-fact="619959c0062c677faebd7b55"> <span xvid="ca5635a4e4de332d7dc3036a68e57009" class="wrapped manual-map" data-fact="619959c0062c677faebd7b57">November 1, 2021</span> </span> </p> ` console.log(replaceTags(htmlData, "span span[data-fact]","div")); //a very handy function from Matt Basta to rplace tag names cannot be done on the fly without such functions function replaceElement(source, newType) { // Create the document fragment const frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); // Fill it with what's in the source element while (source.firstChild) { frag.appendChild(source.firstChild); } // Create the new element const newElem = document.createElement(newType); // Empty the document fragment into it newElem.appendChild(frag); // Replace the source element with the new element on the page source.parentNode.replaceChild(newElem, source); } //we now use our function as warper on above function. function replaceTags (htmlData,whatToChange,withWhat) { var fragment = document.createElement('just'); fragment.innerHTML=htmlData; var found = fragment.querySelector(whatToChange); if(found){ replaceElement(fragment.querySelector(whatToChange), withWhat);} return fragment.innerHTML; } </script>

Getting as to what you want here is more logical solution that mixes bunch of search logics to do the job. Not perfect but its close

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