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How to change/reset konsole profile settings with command line?

I've changed the command of '/bin/bash' to '/bin/bash fish', and now when i try to open my konsole it open and close suddenly. As i can't open the konsole i'm not able to edit the profile settings with GUI.

here is the setting i've changed: profile config

I'm using Debian 11 with kde 5

Maybe isn't the best solution but worked for me:

  1. Open the konsole as a different suer:

    1. Search for konsole in the menu applications.
    2. Right click > Edit appliction > Application > Advanced options.
    3. Check the box 'Run as a different user', and enter the name of a user that you have acess.
  2. Now open konsole (as the different user you have set previously.

  3. Login as the main user using:

     su yourNameUser
  4. Look for one of these three locations and delete the profile settings causing problems.

     - /home/nameUser/.config/konsolerc - /home/nameUser/.local/share/konsole - /home/nameUser/.local/share/kxmlgui5/konsole/
  5. Uncheck the box 'Run as a different' checked in the step 2

The config files are in /.local/share/konsole/

The file where the '/bin/bash fish' command is has a.profile extension. For example on my system it's breath2.profile. Look for this line:

Command=/bin/bash fish

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