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Python-How to solve ssl.SSLError: [SSL: CA_MD_TOO_WEAK]

I've got a huge problem with authorization of my API request. I'm using python 3.10. For setting up the client I have code as follows:

from zeep import exceptions, helpers
from requests import Session
from zeep.transports import Transport
from zeep import Client

def login(register):
elif register == 'XXX':
  authTok = '' #only for coherence
  wsdl_path = r"path_to_my_wsdl.wsdl"
  url = urllib.parse.urljoin('file:', urllib.request.pathname2url(os.path.abspath(wsdl_path)))
  session = Session()
  session.verify = False
  session.cert = (r'path_to_my_cert.pem')
  client = Client(wsdl=url, transport=Transport(session=session))
return client, authTok

Then I used code below to get the client:

client, authTok = login('XXX')
search = {}
search['sort'] = {'sort_att': 'number',
                  'sort_asc': 'True'}
search['criterion'] = {'search_range': 'RP', 'id': '123456789'}

No error till this step. And finally I've tried to send my request like this: r = client.service.searchcompany(params=search)

Here I got error like this:

ssl.SSLError: [SSL: CA_MD_TOO_WEAK] ca md too weak (_ssl.c:3862)

With openssl I've generated new cert:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out mycert.pem -sha256 -days 365 -nodes

As the output I've received two files: key.pem and mycert.pem. With command certifi.where() I found location of my file cacert.pem and pasted into it the content of file mycert.pem.

Unfortunately the error still occurs. Could anybody explain what I'm doing wrong?

In my case it was helpful to downgrade the version of python to 3.8.8. That solved my error.

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