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Setup Method with object type parameter using MOQ

I have an interface

public interface IProgramer
bool ReturnStatus(Program prg,string filepath);


public Class Programer :IProgramer
    public bool ReturnStatus(Program prg,string filepath)
    // logic
    return status

Unit Testcase

public void StartOperationTest()
      string dummyfilepath = "C://Users//x//";
       Program dummyprgObj = new Program
           Name = "x",
           Rollno = 1,
        var mock  = new Mock<IProgramer>();
        mock.Setup(x => x.ReturnStatus(dummyprgObj, dummyfilepath)).Returns(true);

setup method is always giving false.

Can someone please tell me what is wrong here?

Try using mock.SetupGet() instead of 'setup' you are using. and also one observation, the class 'Programer' should implement interface 'IProgramer'

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