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How do I tell Angular 12 during an upgrade where my tsconfig.json file is?

I'm trying to upgrade a large size Angular 11 library to Angular 12. Project was original created in Angular 9 but I have successfully upgraded two before.

When I run the commend to upgrade I get this error but i've been unable to find out what it means or how to correct it.

npx @angular/cli@12 update @angular/core@12 @angular/cli@12

This is the error I'm receiving.

In Angular version 12, the type of ActivatedRouteSnapshot.fragment is nullable.
  This migration automatically adds non-null assertions to it.
✖ Migration failed: Could not find any tsconfig file. Cannot migrate `ActivatedRouteSnapshot.fragment` accesses.
  See "/private/var/folders/c1/r_3z61y511l0cfk3hfw5p969h718gw/T/ng-uRymPw/angular-errors.log" for further details.

I'm not sure how to tell it to find the tsconfig.json file, since it's in the root of the project currently.


So after more snooping it appears to be an issue in one of the Angular 12 migration modules. The file is /node_modules/@angular/core/schematics/migrations/activated-route-snapshot-fragment/index.js:

The module is failing when it tries to reach my angular.json file and parse all the tsconfig paths in the build and test sections.

The method is found here project_tsconfig_paths.js in the function getProjectTsConfigPaths(tree) method.

Here's where it is failing exactly

 function getProjectTsConfigPaths(tree) {
        // Start with some tsconfig paths that are generally used within CLI projects. Note
        // that we are not interested in IDE-specific tsconfig files (e.g. /tsconfig.json)
        const buildPaths = new Set(['src/tsconfig.app.json']);
        const testPaths = new Set(['src/tsconfig.spec.json']);
        // Add any tsconfig directly referenced in a build or test task of the angular.json workspace.
        const workspace = getWorkspaceConfigGracefully(tree);
        if (workspace) {
            const projects = Object.keys(workspace.projects).map(name => workspace.projects[name]);
            for (const project of projects) {
                const buildPath = getTargetTsconfigPath(project, 'build');
                const testPath = getTargetTsconfigPath(project, 'test');
                if (buildPath) {
                if (testPath) {
        // Filter out tsconfig files that don't exist in the CLI project.
        return {
            buildPaths: Array.from(buildPaths).filter(p => tree.exists(p)),
            testPaths: Array.from(testPaths).filter(p => tree.exists(p)),
    exports.getProjectTsConfigPaths = getProjectTsConfigPaths;

But of my angular.json file isn't missing any tsConfig file paths.

You might want to try updating your Node.js. I had the same issue, and updating Node.js resolved the issue for me.

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