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Is the EHLO message required after the TLS connection has been established? I'm using an acorn ltl-6511M wildlife camera that doesn't seem to send an EHLO message after establishing the TLS connection, causing a 503 error in my aiosmtpd-based SMTP server. It works with gmail SMTP though. Is the camera following the protocol or is my server not robust enough?


Yes, EHLO is required after STARTTLS, see RFC3207 Section 4.2 (which specifically mentions forgetting the EHLO line - emphasis mine):

Upon completion of the TLS handshake, the SMTP protocol is reset to the initial state (the state in SMTP after a server issues a 220 service ready greeting). The server MUST discard any knowledge obtained from the client, such as the argument to the EHLO command, which was not obtained from the TLS negotiation itself.

This means that unfortunately your camera is not following the SMTP protocol. It is also unfortunate that GMail SMTP does not follow the protocol (it doesn't require EHLO in-between STARTTLS and AUTH LOGIN).

aiosmtpd is quite insistent on following the SMTP protocol and duly forgets the EHLO data before the STARTTLS; the EHLO hostname is stored in self.session.host_name on the aiosmtpd.smtp.SMTP object, and self.session is reset in SMTP.connection_made() , which is invoked after STARTTLS.

It is possible to make aiosmtpd break the SMTP specification and act in a highly non-conforming way. Obviously this is something you MUST NOT do in production. Use the ControllerNoEhloAfterStarttls defined below instead of the standard aiosmtpd Controller and then it should work.

from aiosmtpd.smtp import SMTP
from aiosmtpd.controller import Controller

class SMTPNoEhloAfterStarttls(SMTP):
    async def smtp_STARTTLS(self, arg: str):
        host_name = self.session.host_name
        extended_smtp = self.session.extended_smtp
        await super().smtp_STARTTLS(arg)
        if host_name and extended_smtp and not self.session.host_name:
            # There was an EHLO before the STARTTLS.
            # RFC3207 says that we MUST reset the state
            # and forget the EHLO, but unfortunately
            # the client doesn't re-send the EHLO after STARTTLS,
            # so we need to pretend as if an EHLO has been sent.
            self.session.host_name = host_name
            self.session.extended_smtp = True

class ControllerNoEhloAfterStarttls(Controller):
    def factory(self):
        return SMTPNoEhloAfterStarttls(self.handler, **self.SMTP_kwargs)

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