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Google AppEngine doesnt serve static resources

I have a springboot application deployed into Google Cloud via AppEngine. I need to serve static resources out of appengine instances and I used this documentation: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/java11/serving-static-files .

The problem always (a lot of tests done) is (google cloud console error): "Static file referenced by handler not found"

I tested several configurations... but had no luck.

My app.yaml (last one):

runtime: "@appengine.runtime@"
env: "standard"
entrypoint: "java -noverify -jar myjar.jar -cp BOOT-INF/classes/:BOOT-INF/lib/* com.....config.Application"
instance_class: "@appengine.instance.class@"
  - warmup
  name: "projects/@cloud.application@/locations/@cloud.region@/connectors/@cloud.redis.connector@"
  - url: /resources/(.*)$
    static_files: /static/\1
    upload: /static/.*\.(png)$
    require_matching_file: false

Static resources are placed inside.jar: BOOT-INF/classes/static

I tried in app.yaml:

- static_files: BOOT-INF/classes/static/\1
- static_files: classes/static/\1

No luck.

Any idea?

This is working for me: (app.yaml)


entrypoint: java -noverify -cp "BOOT-INF/resources/:BOOT-INF/classes/:BOOT-INF/lib/*" com.myorg.MySpringBootApp

  - url: /(.*\.(gif|png|jpg|svg|ico|css|js|html))$
    static_files: BOOT-INF/classes/static/\1
    upload: BOOT-INF/classes/static/.*\.(gif|png|jpg|svg|ico|css|js|html)$
    secure: always

  - url: /.*
    secure: always
    redirect_http_response_code: 301
    script: auto

  1. unzip server.jar
  2. rm server.jar. This leaves the following folders/files for deployment:
  1. gcloud app deploy...

Now you'll see that eg your js-Files have appropriate headers:

cache-control: public, max-age=600
content-encoding: gzip
etag: "uh4VxA"

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