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Airflow PythonVirtualenvOperator ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dags'

I have a folder structure for my project similar to this:


I am using the PythonVirtualenvOperator and trying to import my_module.py into my_dag.py but it cant seem to find it. I keep getting ModuleNotFoundError. I tried just using the module name, also tried using the entire path but I still get the same error.

Here's my code in the func used by the PythonVirtualenvOperator in my_dag.py

import importlib
mod = importlib.import_module("dags.git-dagrepo.my_module")

I had pretty much the same question too. This thread also discusses the issue: Where is the root of the venv created by PythonVirtualenvOperator located?

What seems to be happening is that the virtualenv operator creates a completely isolated environment where the dags folder isn't in the PYTHONPATH. However, I couldn't get the solution in the above thread to work. The only way that worked for me was by hardcoding the path in the dag, essentially like this:

def my_task():
    import sys
    sys.path.insert(0, <path/to/dags/folder>)


virtualenv_task = PythonVirtualenvOperator(

This feels very hacky so I'm also curious to see if there's a proper fix.

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