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Facebook Conversion API Gateway is no longer sending data after pixel error

I setup the facebook Conversion API (CAPI) Gateway per their documentation. Everything was working fine, I updated our GTM container to track more data on purchase. I accidentally sent a "NaN" value, causing a pixel error.

I immediately fixed the issue and it only occurred once. The CAPI gateway is stuck in error mode from the pixel. There's no way to "mark as fixed," only ignored but it still is counted against my account.

Pixel error (moved to ignored)

The CAPI gateway has stopped sending events because it thinks there's still an error on the pixel.

CAPI Gateway error

I've tried waiting 24hrs (per documentation), toggling the CAPI gateway on/off. It seems like the pixel is stuck in this error state. I can see the engagement of ads dropping and CPMs have risen. The account is punished from a one-time error.

Does anyone know how to cycle it out of this state?

Thanks for posting about your issue. Could you please clarify if the events are not being published to the Conversions API, or if the issue is just with the error msg popping up. You can verify if events are being received in Events Manager by looking at the "server" count.

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