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Have legit Spring beans injected into a mock bean

Anyone knows how can I have normal spring beans injected into my MVC controller?

@WebMvcTest(TaskController.class) class TasksManagerApplicationTests {
@Spy // WRONG
private TasksRepository taskDao;
private AssignmentService service;
private ToDoClient client;
private MockMvc template;

NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'com.acme.tskmngt.dao.TasksRepository'

I don't want to mock every dependencies here, it seems to be to much work, only external coupling ones. NB: TasksRepository is Spring Data JPA JpaRepository; already tried adding @DataJpaTest and failed (Configuration error: found multiple declarations of @BootstrapWith).

Thanks for any help

Thanks to Joao Dias' remark, here is a (heavier indeed) working code:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
@Slf4j class TasksManagerApplicationTests {
private TaskController controller;

private AssignmentService service;
private ToDoClient client;
private MockMvc template;

private int serverport;         // random web server port
private ObjectMapper mapper;    // Jackson serializer

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