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Query File paths field from Microsoft Defender

I am looking for documentation on how to build a Advanced Hunting query in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint where I can use the "File paths" in the KQL query.

The field is in the Software Inventory under devices and in the section Software Evidence See below screen dump:

enter image description here

You are looking for one of the pages under the Data Tables schema .

My first guess would have been DeviceTvmSoftwareInventory, however that does not seem to include the path.

There are other tables which contain path: DeviceFileEvents and DeviceImageLoadEvents could be the ones you are looking for, depending on the use case you are trying. The following queries could be a good start.

| where FolderPath contains "part\\of\\your\\path\\comes\\here"


| where FolderPath == "your\\full\\path\\comes\\here"

If you have the full path of every software you are looking for, you can also use FolderPath == the escaped(double \\ in the path).

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