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What is "impl const" in Rust?

I see this a lot in Rust code. Here are a few examples from the standard library:

impl<T> const Default for Option<T> {...}

impl const From<char> for u64 {...}

What is impl const ?

If you run the code:

trait Example {}
impl const Example for u8 {}

You get an error message that points you in the right direction:

error[E0658]: const trait impls are experimental
 --> src/lib.rs:3:6
3 | impl const Example for u8 {}
  |      ^^^^^
  = note: see issue #67792 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/67792> for more information
  = help: add `#![feature(const_trait_impl)]` to the crate attributes to enable

Issue 67792 is the tracking issue for RFC 2632 — Calling methods on generic parameters of const fns .

This is an unstable syntax that allows defining traits that can be used in a const context. It's paired with the equally unstable ~const syntax that can be used in trait bounds:

// 1.59.0-nightly (2021-12-20 23f69235ad2eb9b44ac1)

trait Example {
    fn usage(&self) -> Self;

impl const Example for u8 {
    fn usage(&self) -> Self {

const fn demo<T: ~const Example>(v: &T) -> T {

const VALUE: u8 = demo(&1);

fn main() {

I accepted Shepmaster's answer, but as this question has been gaining popularity, I thought it might also be useful to add some more insight into those const rules. I'll use the same example provided by Shepmaster. A few things have changed since he posted it, so I've updated the example with comments.

// 1.68.0-nightly (2022-12-11 bdb07a8ec8e77aa10fb8)

//#![feature(const_fn_trait_bound)]   <-- Not needed since Rust 1.61
#![feature(const_trait_impl)]  // const trait impls are (still) experimental/unstable

#[const_trait]  // This is needed now
trait Example {
    fn usage(&self) -> Self;

impl const Example for u8 {
    fn usage(&self) -> Self {

const fn demo<T: ~const Example>(v: &T) -> T {

const VALUE: u8 = demo(&1);

fn main() {

Let's say we started with no other const s apart from const VALUE . If fn demo were not const fn demo , we would have gotten this error:

error[E0015]: cannot call non-const fn `demo::<u8>` in constants

So far, that has nothing to do with traits per se. But if we just changed fn demo to const fn demo , the compiler would complain with:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: ~const Example` is not satisfied
    note: the trait `Example` is implemented for `T`, but that implementation is not `const`


error[E0015]: cannot call non-const fn `<T as Example>::usage` in constant functions
    note: calls in constant functions are limited to constant functions, tuple structs and tuple variants

Just adding a trait bound ~const to Example wouldn't do:

error: ~const can only be applied to `#[const_trait]` traits

We need to add #[const_trait] to trait Example and change impl Example to impl const Example .

#[const_trait] was added recently and is now required on Trait for impl const Trait .

Some more info by the compiler when #[const_trait] is missing:

error: const `impl` for trait `Example` which is not marked with `#[const_trait]`
7  | trait Example {
   | - help: mark `Example` as const: `#[const_trait]`
11 | impl const Example for u8 {
   |            ^^^^^^^
   = note: marking a trait with `#[const_trait]` ensures all default method bodies are `const`
   = note: adding a non-const method body in the future would be a breaking change

As explained here , the rational behind requiring #[const_trait] on trait Example when we have impl const Example is that that prevents adding a new default method to Example from becoming a breaking change (as it could be a non-const fn).

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