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How to plot one image element above another?

I'm using python to generate an animation of an orbit. However, for a given type of orbit, the trajectory should "collide" with the planet and not overlap its image (pictured below). How can I put the planet image (grey circle) over the trajectory animation (yellow)?

fig = plt.figure()

plt.xlabel("x (km)")
plt.ylabel("y (km)")
ax = plt.axes()
circle = Circle((0, 0), 2, color='dimgrey')
plt.axis([-1 / u1 , 1 / u1 , -1 / u1 , 1 / u1 ])

graph, = plt.plot([], [], color="gold", markersize=3)

def animate(i):
    graph.set_data(x[:i], y[:i])
    return graph,
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, repeat=False, frames=len(x), interval=1)


Draw it last. Each time you animate, try to draw the circle again.

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