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how to keep track of changes of an .aspx page using nodejs?

Imagine keeping track of a page like this? (Open with Chrome, then right click and select Translate to English.)


When you press F12 and select the Network tab, note that responses are returning—with an interval of about 1 per second—containing the last prices and trades, with these HTTP header details:

   connection: keep-alive
   cookies: fooCookie

I have tried the GOT package with a keep-alive config:

const gotOption = {
  keepAlive: true,
  maxSockets: 10,

await got.get(url, {
        agent: {
          http: new HttpAgent(gotOption),
          https: new HttpsAgent(gotOption),

I get just the first response, but how can I get new responses? Is it possible to use Puppeteer for this purpose?

What do you want to monitor ? There is a new xhr request every 3 to 5 seconds.

You could intercept xhr requests every time a new .aspx page is received.

let puppeteer = require(`puppeteer`);
(async () => {
    let browser = await puppeteer.launch({
        headless: true,
    let page = await browser.newPage(); (await browser.pages())[0].close();
    let res = 0;
    page.on('response', async (response) => {    
        if (response.url().includes(`.aspx`)) {
            console.log(`\u001b[1;36m` + `Response ${res}: ${new Date(Date.now())}` + `\u001b[0m`);
    await page.goto('http://www.tsetmc.com/Loader.aspx?ParTree=151311&i=35366681030756042');
    //await browser.close();

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