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Ace editor not auto indenting

I have a string (from a buffer) that I have to put into an ace editor (like a pre tag) but when I add the string ace is not showing any indentation whereas a normal <pre></pre> and the console both show all indentation.

In the console I see the indentation!



But when I add it to ace:

    '<pre id="editor">'
+       (d.code.toString().replace(/\>/g,'&gt;').replace(/\</g,'&lt;'))
+   '</pre>'
var editor = ace.edit("editor");


Try using editor.session.setValue(d.code.toString()) instead of using html.

or simply pass option to ace.edit

var editor = ace.edit(null, {
    theme: "ace/theme/monokai",
    mode: "ace/mode/javascript",
    value: d.code.toString(),

then append editor.container to the dom

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