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ElasticSearch vs. OpenSearch

we were using Elasticsearch version 7.10.2 until now. By changing Elasticsearch license in version 7.11 and further, it is no more open-source and we are forcing to change the platform. OpenSearch which is supported by AWS is making a fork with Elasticsearch 7.10.2. I think it has not support whole X-Pack features from Elasticsearch completely special Machine Learning. What is your comment? Shall we continue in OpenSearch or not?

OpenSearch is based on Old version of Elastic Search, AWS will definitely keep maintaining and adding features to that old version, but definitely won't be within the same speed and pace as the current version of Elastic search.

Unfortunately, many features are still not rolled in OpenSearch while they are available in the new version of ElasticSearch.

in a Nutshell, if you're requirements currently satisfied by OpenSearch then go for it, if not then don't be that optimistic that these will be released very soon.

and use the latest version which still open source but you have to manage it your self

I have worked with both elasticsearch and opensearch. But since I haven't done any migration work between these two, I don't know much about conflicts with feature supports in each NoSQL database. So before answer your question I did a little research about it.

You have asked about X-pack features somewhere in the question.

In Elasticsearch X-pack page, they have said that they have made X-pack code public. Which means opensearch can adapt it easily. But when I looked into opensearch web site, they haven't claimed that they have X-pack features (Not yet) in opensearch. Since X-pack code is already open X-pack (Equivalent) features will be available in the future. But it's not sure since it has been already 4 years since elasticsearch has made X-pack code public.

Since Most features are common in both of them, it will be okay to move into opensearch ONLY IF the current features used by you are also available in opensearch.

If you are currently using the X-pack, stay with elasticsearch. Otherwise you can use opensearch.


Even if you have no conflict with X-pack or other features , Since opensearch is derived from elasticsearch v 7.10.2, it would be better to use older version of opensearch . Because of opensearch newer versions have breaking changes from it's older versions itself, newer vesions must have breaking changes with elasticsearch 7.10.2 too. So use opensearch 1.0.X like version.

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