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Export application oracle apex

Trying to create a script to export my apex application. Using sqlcl, you can do apex export 100 . Is there a way to do this using plain sql or pl/sql which are the ones that the Script Editor in Oracle Apex accepts?

I agree with the script part, but not (PL/)SQL - create an operating system batch script . I'm on MS Windows, here's an example of what you might do:

REM Go to UTILITIES directory of your Apex installation directory
cd D:\apex_4.2_instalacija\utilities

REM List of all applications you'll be exporting

REM Predmeti
java oracle.apex.APEXExport -db db_orcl:1521:orcl  -user pred   -password urb9xyz  -applicationid 126
REM Naljepnice
java oracle.apex.APEXExport -db db_orcl:1521:orcl  -user naljep -password stiwzf   -applicationid 139
REM                                                 -----------------------------
REM                                                 Oracle schema username/password, 
REM                                                 not Apex developer's or workspace or ...

REM Today's date in YYYY_MM_DD format
for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=. " %%i in ('date /t') do set yyyy_mm_dd=%%l_%%k_%%j

set ime_zipa=apex_%yyyy_mm_dd%.zip

REM ZIP all exported applications (i.e. .SQL files)
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z" a -tzip %ime_zipa% D:\apex_backup\f*.sql

REM Keep the ZIP, delete SQL files
del f*.sql

That's contents of my my_apex_export.bat file. Schedule it using "Task Scheduler"; I'm running it every day at 21:00 o'clock and keep daily exports since March 2012.


The solution in the answer by Littlefoot works perfect, but just wanted to add that this can also be achieved in sqlcl natively. Using the SCRIPT command in sqlcl you can invoke a script written in nashhorn javascript code. Search google for "sqlcl scripting" for a ton of examples.

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