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sulu cms with sylius themes: admin panel not showing "channel" tab

I followed this https://docs.sylius.com/en/latest/book/themes/themes.html

and it reads

  1. Choose your new theme on the channel: In the administration panel go to channels and change the theme of your desired channel to your theme<<

The problem is: The admin panel does not show any "channels" tab.

I am not using the sylius shop system, but the sulu cms with the sylius themes. How can I install the "channels" tab on the admin interface?

Since I am not using the sylius shop system but just the sylius themes with the sulu cms the channel tab is not necessary. The themes are definined in xml. The problem was somewhere else: sulu cms with theme-bundle: theme is not overriding base template

It seems like the "template" section has to be empty for the "themes" section to work as it should.

The themes in sulu are not manageable by the content manager. You set the theme in the config/webspaces/your-example.xml by setting the <theme>your-theme</theme> to it.

Sulu follow the perspective of "Separating content from presentation". Something like a theme is presentation and the content manager should not know to much about the presentation and so the theme is only switch and changeable by a programmer. Still you could overwrite the logic which set the theme by have a look at the current implementation of the sulu theme bundle event listener: https://github.com/sulu/SuluThemeBundle/blob/3.0.2/EventListener/SetThemeEventListener.php

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