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Installing PHP on Windows 2003 Server Web edition...in 2022

I had installed php and mysql on Windows Server 2003 Web edition many years ago. The hard drive crashed on December 23rd, 2021, and although I had all our data backed up, I did not have a system backup to save the OS and all configurations/installations. I have php scripts to bridge Adobe Air and mysql, so I have to stick with php.

Installing PHP 5.3 on IIS6, as was what was running before. The installation with FastCGI is straight forward and fairly simple to get php running, but I am stuck. After following the dozen or so "how-to" guides floating around the web, I am left with the same issue no matter what I try.

When running php.exe from the command line, I get "Access is denied"

I changed security of C:\PHP to allow full control for all users. I changed the application pool identity to local system from network service. I double-checked the.ini configs for php.ini and fcgiext.ini. I believe every location for path variables has been updated/set properly.

At this point, I'm leaning toward something in IIS or Windows blocking access, but I have run out of ideas/options. A new server is being ordered, but we need to get this one up and running so we can limp along until we have new hardware/software to install our programs on.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

This might be a long shot but have you tried to check that the.exe isn't set to "Read-Only" also you can try take ownership of the folder with the following: Take Ownership on Right Click

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