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Installing ffmpeg module for php on windows server

I got

PHP Fatal error: Class 'ffmpeg_movie not found

I found several archives with php_ffmpeg.dll also I have add extension=php_ffmpeg.dll in php.ini, restart the apache but nothing related with ffmpeg shows up when check phpinfo()

My server is running on Windows and I need help with installing that library.

I just look in error.log and found following line

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\\xampp\\php\\ext\\php_ffmpeg.dll' - The specified module could not be found.\\r\\n in Unknown on line 0 but the dll file is there

  1. It may be that the server process does not have access rights to the file
  2. Try it on cli first, you can debug that better - try

$ php -m

to list all modules

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