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can't output json object to html in angular and get pipe error

when i write


it's output [object Object] but when i write

{{form | json}}
ERROR TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
    --> starting at object with constructor 'TView'
    |     property 'blueprint' -> object with constructor 'LViewBlueprint'
    --- index 1 closes the circle
    at JSON.stringify (<anonymous>)
    at JsonPipe.transform (common.mjs:4605)
    at Module.ɵɵpipeBind1 (core.mjs:22291)
    at UserSettingsFormsComponent_Template (user-settings-forms.component.html:97)
    at executeTemplate (core.mjs:9603)
    at refreshView (core.mjs:9469)
    at refreshComponent (core.mjs:10640)
    at refreshChildComponents (core.mjs:9265)
    at refreshView (core.mjs:9519)
    at refreshComponent (core.mjs:10640)

enter image description here

i found the answer here Angular Json Pipe TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON it must be writen


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