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How can i read text from socket Kotlin/Android?

I will say right away that I started to study Kotlin recently, and I just want to rewrite one program, and therefore I took up this

I want to read the text received from the incoming stream, but as a result, I get the following

Perhaps I make terribly stupid mistakes, but I hardly understand what and how it works here (I read half Internet)

I don't know what is this

PS I already tried to use this, but the program just doesn't go further and that's it

package com.example.appisone
import java.net.Socket
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
import android.os.Bundle
import android.widget.Button
import android.widget.EditText
import android.widget.TextView
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import java.io.InputStreamReader
import java.util.*

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private var Text_Edit: EditText? = null
    private var btn: Button? = null
    private var Text_view: TextView? = null

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


        Text_Edit = findViewById(R.id.EditText)
        btn = findViewById(R.id.Button)
        Text_view = findViewById(R.id.TextView)
        btn?.setOnClickListener {
            Text_view?.text = Text_Edit?.text
            println("Button is pressed!")
            GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {



    private fun send_text() {
        var data: Any
        println("send_text is pressed!")
        val client = Socket("", 9090)
        val text = Text_Edit?.text.toString()

        val reader = client.getInputStream()

        data = reader.toString()
        println("Сообщение --- >$data")


}  ```

Thanks in advance for your wasted time

You don't read from a Reader like this:


That just renders the Reader >>object<< as a string. Since toString has not been overridden by Reader , you get the Object::toString implementation. (It prints the internal class name and the object's "identity hash code" in hexadecimal.)

To read from a Reader use one of the read methods in the Reader API , or wrap it in a Scanner or a BufferedReader so that you can use those APIs.

In your "PS" you are also calling toString() on an object that doesn't override toString(). Based on the class name, it looks like it is a byte[].

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