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Model View Controller Service Connection (ASP.NET Core)

MyInvestmentRepo myInvestmentRepo = new InvestmentInstrumentServices();

public IActionResult List()
    var investment = myInvestmentRepo.GetInvestmentInstrumentsList();
    return View(investment);

private InvestmentInstrumentServices _invServices;

MyCommentaryRepo myCommentaryRepo = new UserCommentaryService();

public IActionResult IList()
    var commentary = myCommentaryRepo.GetUserCommentaryList();
    return View(commentary);

private UserCommentaryService _commServices;

I have controller and service files.Is there a way to connect two different services from a single controller file? it doesn't work for me when I try it like this.

If I understand your question, you can use ViewData Or ViewBag to send data to view like Code below:

public IActionResult IList()
    var commentary = myCommentaryRepo.GetUserCommentaryList();
    var investment = myInvestmentRepo.GetInvestmentInstrumentsList();
    ViewData["investment"] = investment ;
    return View(commentary);

You can see this link for more help: click here

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