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Fake client behaviour when mocking k8s for testing

I am using the fake clientset to perform some mocking in a k8s cli tool I am creating.

Therefore I am creating a Job resource

jobs := clientset.BatchV1().Jobs(mynamespace)
_, err = jobs.Create(context.TODO(), job, metav1.CreateOptions{})

The clienset has been created as follows:

clientset := testclient.NewSimpleClientset()


testclient "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/fake"

The job seems to be created, ie err is nil on the call above.

I then (from another function call) try to list the corresponding pods (using the exact same clientset )

podList, err = clientset.CoreV1().Pods(myNamespace).List(context.TODO(), labelOptions)

However the length of the corresponding list is always zero

len(podList.Items) = 0

Shouldn't the call using the fake clienset create all related mock resources? (such as the job's pod)

Shouldn't the call using the fake clienset create all related mock resources? (such as the job's pod)

No, the fake clientset does nothing except put objects into cache. In a real kube.netes cluster, JobController reconciles jobs and creates pods.

I suggest you testing in a real kube.netes cluster, such as K3s .

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