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WildFly naming subsystem: how to bind to a java.util.Properties object

I intend to define a JNDI propery of the type java.util.Properties in the WildFly application server to read it from my application.

As described in the an older WildFly documentation one can create a global binding of the type object-factory. In the example is an optional environment tag to hold multiple key/value pairs. That would map exactly my desire to get a java.util.Properties when reading a JNDI resource.

The question is weather there is already an implementiation of javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory to create a java.util.Properties object out of an object-factory binding or do I need to implement it myself and install it as a separate module (like it is described at mastertheboss.com/... )?

Ok, I just implemented it mysef.

package com.myorg.wildfly.objectfactory;


public class WildFlyPropertiesObjectFactory implements ObjectFactory
  public Object getObjectInstance(Object obj, Name name, Context nameCtx, Hashtable environment) throws Exception 
    Properties p = new properties();
    if(environment !=null)
      Set<?> entrySet = environment.keySet();
      for(Object o : entrySet)
        p.put(o, environment.get(o));
    return p;
  • Clean&Build this single class into a JAR file wildfly-properties-objetfactory.jar

  • Add a module via jboss-cli.sh

    module add --name=my.jndi.propertyreader --resource=wildfly-properties-objetfactory.jar --dependencies=javax.api

  • Create a naming binding via jboss-cli.sh

    /subsystem=nameing/binding=java\:my_super_cool_jndi_name:add(binding-type=object-factory, module=my.jndi.propertyreader, class=com.myorg.wildfly.objectfactory.WildFlyPropertiesObjectFactory, environment=[key1=value1, key2=value2])

And in my application I can access it in an CDI bean via

public void test() {
  Properties p = (Properties) new InitialContext().lookup("java:my_super_cool_jndi_name");
  System.out.printf("Properties: %s%n", p);

Or as shown in the mentioned link inject it as a direct dependency @Resource(lookup = "java:my_super_cool_jndi_name") Properties p;

Works as a charm.

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