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Cast generic class object to non-generic

I have 2 classes:

public class GenericClass<T>
   public T Item {get;set;}
public class StringClass
  public string Item {get;set;}

now i have a GenericClass object and i need to cast it to StringClass object:

var genericObj = new GenericClass<string>();
var stringObj = (StringClass)genericObj; // <---

How to cast / convert from generic class to specific one?

You can't cast one type to the other because the types are unrelated.

You could, however, define a conversion operator :

public class StringClass
    public string Item { get; set; }
    public static explicit operator StringClass(GenericClass<string> generic)
        => new StringClass { Item = generic.Item };

Which would allow this syntax:

var genericObj = new GenericClass<string>();
var stringObj = (StringClass)genericObj;

You can't. You would need common inherited type or implement an interface.

With inheritance:

public class GenericClass<T>
   public T Item {get;set;}
public class StringClass : GenericClass<string>

if your really need it, you can do this way for examle

var stringObj = new  StringClass(genericObj);

public class StringClass
    public string Item { get; set; }
    public StringClass(GenericClass<string> genericClass)
   public StringClass(){}

or this is more flexible

public interface IGenericClass<T>
    public T Item { get; set; }
public class GenericClass<T>:IGenericClass<T>
    public T Item { get; set; }
public class StringClass
    public string Item { get; set; }
    public StringClass(IGenericClass<string> genericClass)
    public StringClass(){}

Finally i solved using ICloneable,

Here i have a base class named GenericClass , a generic class named GenericClassT , and a class named StringClass .

Inheritance is:

GenericClass <- GenericClassT <- StringClass

Using ICloneable implementation on GenericClass and GenericClassT, adding a CreateObject and CopyTo methods i reach the final goal:

var genericObj = new GenericClass<string>();
var stringObj = (StringClass)genericObj.Clone<StringClass>();

class definitions:

public class GenericClass: ICloneable
    public string Id {get;set;}

    protected virtual ApiRequestResult CreateObject()
        return new GenericClass();
    protected virtual void CopyTo(GenericClass obj)
        obj.Id = Id;
    public virtual object Clone()
        var obj = CreateObject();


        return obj;
    public virtual object Clone<T>() where T: GenericClass
        var obj = (GenericClass)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T));


        return obj;

public class GenericClass<T>: GenericClass
    public T Data {get; set;}

    protected override GenericClass CreateObject()
        return new GenericClass<T>();
    protected override void CopyTo(GenericClass obj)
        ((GenericClass<T>)obj).Data = Data;

public class StringClass: GenericClass<string>

Using this answer :

var genericObj = new GenericClass<string>();
var stringObj = (StringClass)Convert.ChangeType(genericObj, typeof(StringClass));

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