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How can I create a select query to get employee name, total salary of employee, hobby name(comma-separated - use subquery for hobby name)?

Please refer below tables and fields.

Create an “employee” database and 4 tables (hobby, employee, employee_salary, employee_hobby).
hobby: id, name
employee: id, first_name, last_name, age, mobile_number, address
employee_salary: id, foreign key of employee, salary
employee_hobby: id, foreign key of the employee, foreign key of hobby

I execute this query as follows:

SELECT CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name) AS full_name, SUM(es.salary) AS total_salary,
    FROM hobby AS h
    INNER JOIN hobby ON h.id = eh.fk_hobby_id) AS hobby_name
FROM employee_hobby AS eh   
INNER JOIN employee AS e ON e.id = eh.fk_employee_id    
INNER JOIN employee_salary AS es ON es.fk_employee_id = eh.fk_employee_id
GROUP BY eh.fk_employee_id;

But I fetch all same hobby name in single row for particular record. output image

I need hobby_name for every record like sports,gaming or gaming,travelling etc.

This is not correct:

    FROM hobby AS h
    INNER JOIN hobby ON h.id = eh.fk_hobby_id) AS hobby_name
FROM employee_hobby AS eh   

Just join hobby table in the query like other tables:

SELECT CONCAT(e.first_name, ' ', e.last_name) AS full_name, 
       SUM(es.salary) AS total_salary, 
FROM employee_hobby AS eh 
INNER JOIN hobby h ON h.id = eh.fk_hobby_id
INNER JOIN employee AS e ON e.id = eh.fk_employee_id    
INNER JOIN employee_salary AS es ON es.fk_employee_id = eh.fk_employee_id
GROUP BY eh.fk_employee_id;

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