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Is it possible to record lossless audio in Web Browser (chrome)

one-line version of my question: How can I record lossless ( or at the least, incredibly high quality ) audio in a web browser? Preferably chrome/chromium since I would like to make a high quality audio-recording electron application.

Note, this question was asked 8 years ago, but I'm trying to find a modern 2022 solution: High Quality Audio Recording in Web Browser

I have tried using getUserMedia() to record audio in javascript, even specifying audio quality variables like so:

    var constraints = {
        audio: true,
        "mandatory": {
            //sampleSize: 32,
            channelCount: 2,
            //autoGainControl: false,
            //noiseSuppression: false,
            //echoCancellation: false,
            "googEchoCancellation": "false",
            "googAutoGainControl": "false",
            "googNoiseSuppression": "false",
            "googHighpassFilter": "false"
        video: false

This code is in my repo: https://github.com/MartinBarker/simple-web-audio-recorder-demo The audio recording works but comes out still very low quality: windows file browser says the saved wav file is 705kbps, Spek shows it as being 16bit, 1411kbps, 44100Hz, 1 channel, and the file sounds awful.


Compare that to audacity, recording using the same microphone on the same computer, I can output a wav file that is signed 32 bit, with windows saying it has a bitrate of 2822kbps, and Spek showing a 32bit, 2822kbps, 44100hz, 2channel file which sounds great.


I am trying to record a wav file in my chrome browser with similar quality to audacity, is this even possible? Are there any other web libraries which could help me reach this goal?

@BGPHiJACK in the comments was right, opus media recorder is good for recording 32 bit, 2822kbps, 44100 Hz, 2 channel wav audio from a chrome browser: https://github.com/MartinBarker/opus-recorder?organization=MartinBarker&organization=MartinBarker

The output from the MediaRecorder module in Chrome and other browsers is, always, compressed. You can certainly decompress it and get.WAV sampled audio from it, but its fidelity will always be affected by the codec. You can crank up Opus to a high sample rate and a not-so-aggressive compression ratio, but it's still compressed. If you want Audacity-style fidelity you need to use a desktop product whose media interface isn't constrained by browser WebRTC.

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