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How can I protect an offline html application?

We made a html app, the dashboard in html with no logging, which use html interactive content (json) with offline only usage in elementary schools. The app is offline due to lack of internet connection. The issue is how to make the app protected from approaching to so copying code/app.

HTML, CSS and JavaScript assets are plain-text and readable by anyone by design (browsers need to parse them, for one).

Code obfuscators exist for JavaScript. They work by renaming functions and variables and removing all unnecessary whitespace so as to render the code unreadable. There is also the Google Closure compiler, which also obfuscates while also aiming to make them smaller and faster to parse.

As with anything, with enough time and dedication, a person could still backward engineer it. How readable the obfuscated output is will depend on how your code is structured.

You seem to have concerns about someone making a carbon copy of work. This is illegal and easy to detect in this case.

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