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Query sheet and return Column Headers that match two criteria in a row

I am trying to return an array of column headers based on TRUE values and Item names.

Link to sheet <- Clicky

Sheet 2:


Sheet 1: (desired results)


I think I am close but can't rack my brain to search for both TRUE values within the corresponding Item and return the headers for each. I have tried the following but it returns nothing. It is as far as I have gotten.

=IFERROR(QUERY(QUERY(Sheet2!A1:D,"Select * where G='"&A1&"'",1),"Select Col1 where Col2 is not null"))


 IF(Sheet2!A2:D=TRUE, SUBSTITUTE(Sheet2!A1:D1, " ", "♦"), )),,9^9))), " "), "♦", " "))



 IF(Sheet2!A2:D=TRUE, SUBSTITUTE(Sheet2!A1:D1, " ", "♦"), )),,9^9))), " "), "♦", " "))}, 
 {2,3,4,5}, 0)))

If anyone is interested in another way, I did find a solution utilizing a preferred method of sticking with minimal functions that I have a better understanding of, I was simply missing the transpose function.

=TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(QUERY(Sheet2!$A$1:$G,"Select * where G = '"&$A1&"'",1)),"Select Col1 where Col2 = TRUE"))

The only unfortunate part is I cannot seem to get it to expand down but it will return the results horizontally in a cell. It is also MUCH faster.

To get the results separated by comma's in a single row you could use JOIN :

=JOIN(", ",TRANSPOSE(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(QUERY(Sheet2!$A$1:$G,"Select * where G = '"&$A1&"'",1)),"Select Col1 where Col2 = TRUE")))

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